What is diabetes and what is causing an epidemic of diabetes in the United States and worldwide?
Diabetes is a cluster of diseases marked by high levels of blood glucose ensuing from defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. polygenic disease will lead to serious complications and premature death, but individuals with diabetes, operating along with their support network and their health care providers, will take steps to manage the illness and lower the chance of complications.
What is causing this epidemic of diabetes?

Types of diabetes
Type 1 polygenic disease was previously called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or growth-onset diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes develops when the body’s immune system destroys exocrine gland beta cells, the sole cells within the body that make the hormone insulin that regulates blood glucose.
To survive, individuals with type 1 diabetes disease should have insulin delivered by injection or a pump. this form of polygenic disease sometimes strikes youngsters and young adults, though illness onset will occur at any age. In adults, type 1 accounts for approximately 5-percent of all diagnosed cases of polygenic disease. Risk factors for type 1 diabetes may be reaction, genetic, or environmental. there's no glorious thanks to forestall type 1 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes
Type two diabetes was previously called non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or ketosis-resistant diabetes. In adults, type two polygenic disease accounts for about 90th to ninety fifth of all diagnosed cases of polygenic disease. it usually begins as insulin resistance, a disorder during which the cells do not use insulin properly. as the need for insulin rises, the exocrine gland step by step loses its ability to produce it. type two polygenic disease is associated with older age, obesity, family history of polygenic disease, history of gestational polygenic disease, impaired glucose metabolism, physical inactivity, and race/ethnicity.
Racial differences
African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, American Indians, and some Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders area unit at notably high risk for type two diabetes and its complications. type two polygenic disease in youngsters and adolescents, though still rare, is being diagnosed additional frequently among yank Indians, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Asians/Pacific Islanders.
Gestational diabetes is a sort of glucose intolerance diagnosed during physiological state. gestational diabetes happens additional frequently among African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Native Americans or American Indians.
Other varieties of diabetic disease result from specific genetic conditions (such as non-insulin-dependent diabetes of youth), surgery, medications, infections, exocrine gland illness, and other illnesses. Such varieties of polygenic disease account for 125th to 5 of all diagnosed
Treatment options for type 2 diabetes
The most important, often forgotten aspect of diabetes is correction of insulin resistance through weight loss under the care of a physician trained in obesity medicine dealing with the metabolic aspects of weight gain including reversal of insulin resistance. The fundamental difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that in type 1, you may not be able to produce enough insulin but in type 2, you produce insulin but your body is not responding as well.
Other options include insulin, and oral medication to lower blood glucose levels area unit the foundation of polygenic disease treatment and management. Patient education and self-care practices also are vital aspects of illness management that facilitate individuals diabetes.
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